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Order delivery and tracking

How can I know the status of my order?

We have assigned “Track and Trail” as our online partner to fulfil the online orders routed through this site. All users have the option to track their orders by clicking on Track Order. The user has to enter the email address used while placing the order and the order number to track the order. Registered users can Sign in and track their orders from order history section in the account page.

Where do you deliver within India?

The Products are delivered all over India.

Is there any delivery charges?

There is no delivery charges. The delivery is Free of Cost.

How soon will I receive my order?

The usual time taken for delivery is about 7-10 days. However, it tends to vary according to the destination & we make our best efforts to ensure that any domestic order is delivered within 7-14 working days of placing the order.

Refunds & Returns

What do I do if I receive a Wrong/Damaged product?

You can call us on 1800-102-2324 and write to us at customercare@trackandtrail.in to report the incident to us. If you want to return the product, please do not use it. We will arrange for the pick-up of the unused wrong/damaged item from the provided address through our logistic partner and arrange for the refund/replacement of the order placed.

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